New era for Eshops and online shopping

Do you wonder if eshop design is worth the time and money? Online shopping has skyrocketed the last years with 2020 being the peak year due to COVID-19 and lockdowns. According to studies from 30/12/19 until 05/04 we faced a rapid increase in the expenditure at online shops by Greek consumers by 134% weekly in comparison with 2019. It is worth to mentioning that the first lockdown in Greece began on March 2020 and ended on May the same year. With closed shops consumers turned to shops for shopping.
For the period of the second lockdown analysts predict that the revenues from online shopping will be above 30%, while this percentage had already been reached before the second lockdown. Meanwhile, experts estimate that until 2025 the volume of sales via online shopping in Greece will have become a lasting consumers’ behaviour.
Many consumers have not done online shopping before but according to a survey conducted by Google, 50% of those that made an online purchase will continue to shop online in the future.

The best investment you can make for the years to come is to design an eshop for your business. The world has entered a new era where online shopping has taken the merits on consumers choice and businesses should follow this new wave in order to survive and increase their profits. Nitereso stands by your side in this new endeavour by designing and constructing a sound eshop with fast speed and safe purchases by your clients. Book a meeting and come to discuss with us your business’s needs and gain outstanding results.